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20 Note Cards to Annoy Your Friends (or make them smile) and 30 Ways to Annoy Your Friends by Mail have been created by Ana Benaroya, leading US illustrator and author of the recent 120 Ways to Annoy Your Mother, an ironic and gently subversive
take on modern "guides to life".
20 Note Cards to Annoy Your Friends (or make them smile), published by Thames & Hudson, are vibrantly printed in bright yellow, pink and purple with yellow envelopes and presented in attractive, boldly coloured box. Each card is different, and features a themed illustration from "Happy Birthday" and "I'm Sorry" to the less conventional "OMG!!! DRAMA!!! LOL!!!" and "I have so many feelings and such little time".
They make an ideal gift for girls aged 11 to 14 as well as anyone of any age who dares to be different and represent good value at £9.95.
30 Ways to Annoy Your Friends by Mail is a book of detachable postcards in pink, blue and orange and each one portrays a tongue-in-cheek "how to" from "How to Teleport" to "How to Become and International Spy". The postcards make a perfect present and just watch to see which one you receive back as a "thank you" card. Great value at £7.95.
Both of these will encourage the recipient to move away from keyboards and texting and return to handwritten correspondence – for a short time at least.
20 Notecards to Annoy Your Friends (or Make Them Smile) and 30 Ways to Annoy Your Friends by Mail (Postcards)
are both available from Amazon.